Sunday, 30 June 2024

Schuster: Farrington is bad for Lake County

To all fellow Lake County residents, I feel it is my responsibility to inform you of some things I have learned and things that happened to me when I encountered Anthony Farrington. I will give you the short version for now.

A problem developed between myself and an old friend that I was helping care for and taking care of what he needed done while he was in a care home in Lakeport for just under a year.

When my friend's ex-wife found out he was getting close to the end of life she showed up one day and started right away to manipulate my friend just like when they were married. But this time it was to get all my friend’s money and assets before he died, including three trucks and several guns my friend had given me a year or so earlier.

So they hired Farrington, the only shady lawyer that would take them.

Farrington wrote me a letter and in this letter Farrington formally demanded bring all the unregistered guns that were given to me a year or so earlier and $60,000 to his office and hand over these unregistered guns and money directly to him so he could bypass the gun registration and background checks laws and hand over unregistered guns to a sick and unstable convicted felon.

Not only is this highly illegal but extremely dangerous to public safety. This is how mass shootings happen. I did not appreciate being threatened so I sent Farrington a reply letter and refused his demands. I had to educate him on federal and California gun laws.

Farrington got so upset I refused the almighty Farrington that he filed a lawsuit in my friend's name (encouraged by the ex-wife) on me not only for the guns and money but added on a few claims of elder abuse.

I have found out that this practice of adding on elder abuse claims is a fairly common practice on many of Farrington’s lawsuits. Just trying to gain sympathy from the judge and jury.

In my case Farrington just stroked my attorney and I along for about a year until the pressure of my evidence got to him.

Farrington pleaded to the court to be released from the case because he did not want another loss on his record.

The whole law enforcement and justice system needs to be overhauled. From bad cops and profiling sheriff deputies to biased judges and no good lying lawyers.

We need someone in the District Attorney’s Office that has zero tolerance on all crimes and goes for maximum prison time.

The District Attorney’s Office is no place for an unqualified and dangerous person like Farrington.

Do not be fooled by Farrington and his B.S. Do a little research yourself. Look in the shadows. Talk to people in and around the courthouse. Talk to local attorneys. Dig up the facts before you vote.

Farrington is a bad apple for Lake County. Beware of his slick B.S.

Farrington is bad for the justice system and bad for Lake County residents.

Joe Schuster lives in Upper Lake, California.

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