Sunday, 30 June 2024

Bradford: A perspective on the district attorney’s election

I have been following the district attorney election and I am disappointed in the way our current district attorney, Susan Krones, is blaming others and not taking accountability for her actions.

In articles coming out of her office she often bends the truth and blames our former DA, Don Anderson, for her mistakes.

As only one example, she twice sought a probation deal for a convicted human trafficker. Even though a judge rejected her deal she tried it again, this time with the new judge who accepted the deal.

Now confronted with her leniency, she blames the former DA for the deal, when in fact, Don Anderson did more for prosecuting human trafficking than any other person ever has in this county. It is obvious she brokered the deal and only she pushed it through.

Once in office Susan Krones eliminated a lot of Don Anderson’s programs like a perjury unit, educational diversion and a program that made criminals give hundreds of thousands of dollars to Lake County charities.

She has lowered the DA’s high conviction rate to barely over 60%.

I have heard her justify her actions by lying that our former district attorney was “unethical” and only she has brought ethics back to the DA’s office. But she has never said one thing he did that was unethical.

In fact, Don Anderson twice was elected as California’s Prosecutor of the Year by the California Narcotic Officers’ Association, law enforcement’s largest training organization.

This is the only prosecutor to ever receive this award twice and the only Lake County prosecutor to ever even be nominated for the award. This is a far cry from someone who is “unethical.”

I know that Don Anderson has endorsed Anthony Farrington as the new DA. Maybe the voters should listen to what he has to say and why.

Nancy Bradford lives in Lakeport, California.

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