Saturday, 28 September 2024

Steele: Voting makes a difference

County governments are created when a state is formed for the purpose of determining local land use policies and for law enforcement and government processes.

The partisan election process for national and state offices sometimes overshadows and gets confused with county offices.

County elected offices are nonpartisan to any political party and are more hands-on management jobs. The management exception is that the five district supervisor offices act as a voting board in a policymaking and quasi-judicial role. What these offices do affects all of us.

The countywide elected district attorney, treasurer tax collector and assessor-recorder are three important offices which need job focused experience and qualifications with a strong management background to best benefit our rural county.

We sometimes don’t get that and should not vote for low performing incumbents. But if we get a good elected official, reelecting them is key to constantly improving the office.

As a former county supervisor, I saw firsthand how either a poorly or well-performing elected official can influence county government. I’d like to put some opinions on the table based on what I saw for three offices coming up for vote on June 7.

First, keep the good ones. District attorney: Susan Krones is a highly experienced manager and keen legal mind who has performed at a highly professional level for an office with a tough job, getting justice for victims of crime. Let’s not let her get away for a very minimally qualified challenger.

Second, elect the right ones. Treasurer-tax collector: This office has needed change for years and is now vacant for voters to put the right person in place: Patrick Sullivan is the highest qualified candidate for that office in years. He is a proven manager, attorney and accountant with a perfect temperament for working with people and governments. We would be lucky to get him and he definitely has my vote.

Third, change the wrong ones. Assessor-recorder: This officeholder has been a non-performer for 8 years and unfortunately ran unopposed last time. The challenger, Hannah Faith Lee brings the right stuff to the office and has a far better chance of making that office work for the public. I’m impressed with her management qualifications and business approach. She gets my vote for what is a very much-needed change.

Jim Steele lives in Clearlake Oaks, California. He is a former Lake County supervisor.

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