Saturday, 28 September 2024

Jarrett: The pandemic is not a hoax

There is so much to say about Kenny Parlet’s remarks in the Aug. 20 Record-Bee, it’s hard to know where to begin. But I’ll start by saying this: he and others who describe the pandemic as a “hoax” need to consult the dictionary to see if that is, indeed, what they mean to say.

Webster defines a hoax as “a deception for mockery or mischief: a practical joke.” So when PT Barnum put a wig on a little person and called him The Wild Man of Borneo, or hung a sign next to the door to go out which said “this way to the egress,” those were examples of hoaxes.

Six hundred thousand dead people, countless others on ventilators, hospitals (including or own) with ICUs at capacity, people suffering long haul effects … These are not hoaxes.

I was so disappointed to read that a community leader did not express any empathy for what others are experiencing regardless of what his personal beliefs are.

I am vaccinated and I would encourage others to get the shot also. But I also believe that it is a personal decision. However, if your employer decides for the safety of employees and the public they serve, that everyone should be vaccinated, you are free to seek employment elsewhere if you disagree.

However, masks are different. It’s too bad that the virus isn’t purple or red so we all could see it. You can be vaccinated, healthy, show no symptoms, and still be carrying the virus to infect others.

So here’s the bottom line: The air belongs to all of us and you don’t have the right to infect it. You can’t be a “virus polluter.” You have to wear a mask. It’s not about your freedom. You don’t have the freedom or the right to pollute the air that belongs to all of us.

So mask up, Lake County!

Carolynn Jarrett lives in Lakeport, California.

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