Saturday, 28 September 2024

Locke: Spare a smile

Outside of Walmart, an incredible event has been taking place for some time now. Two young people are holding up a cardboard sign and asking if people could spare something. Yeah right, in today’s economy? Sparing a dime is almost as difficult as it was in the 30s.

However, on seven separate occasions now, I’ve caved and given them what it is they ask for. I sincerely hope that EVERYONE who has driven past them has also taken the time to spare what they ask for.

What is it they are requesting with their old cardboard sign with black magic marker lettering? A smile, the sign reads “Spare a Smile.” So simple a request, yet I can’t help but wonder how many people haven’t given in to their selfless request. I’d imagine there are those who see the sign and the young people and, rather than read the sign, assume it says something like “Will work for food” or “Need money for heat.” Sadly, even those signs shouldn’t be ignored.

But a sign saying “Spare a smile”? No, this request is too curious and too out-of-the-ordinary to deny. As a cynic, the first time I smiled I did so to see what the “catch” was. Catch turned out to be that I had to suffer through returned smiles and “peace signs.” Now, this cynic has given them numerous smiles and waves, I even took the time once to drive up toward Walmart, turn around, and then back down on my way to a meeting in Clearlake. One day, when it was warm and my side window was down, I was even greeted with “God bless and have a nice day.”

I don’t care what the motives are. I don’t care why they are doing what they are doing. I simply care that there are two outstanding young people in our county willing to suffer through the bitter cold just to see myself, and everyone else, smile. The Lord knows with the wars, terrorism, economic crisis, poverty and hunger in the world we all have plenty to frown about. It’s nice to have someone give everyone a reason to smile.

I hope that some day I have time to stop and thank them personally for their efforts and I hope that all passersby reward them with a smile and a wave.

If the two youngsters are reading this, thank you for making this cynic smile.

Bron Locke lives in Clearlake Oaks.


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