Saturday, 28 September 2024

Christopher: Thanks, Dubya

I am a veteran. I am an Army Veteran, thus making me a bit of a “black sheep” in a family of Navy veterans. But they still tolerate me, they're a good crew.


It has been almost 34 years since I was honorably discharged. I did make use of my GI Bill educational benefits in the 1970s. I never had reason to apply for medical benefits through Veterans Affairs. My husband and I worked, had medical benefits and squirreled away money for retirement.


Well, as we all know, you make plans and the Creator laughs. John is now eligible for Social Security. Our CalCobra came to an end and the only thing offered to me was a plan that cost $677.77 per month for the premium and a $4,500 out-of-pocket deductible – at that point they would pay 70 percent of what they felt the charge should have been.


We tried to stay in that system but after six months found we were going broke very fast paying for a policy that really was of little use except as catastrophic insurance. A $2,100-a-month income doesn't stretch very far with Hubby's medical premiums running just over $500 a month, add the almost $700 per month to that – it left us with about $900 a month to live on. Ketchup soup anyone?


I finally broke down and filed for medical benefits from the VA. That was this past July. Having heard nothing I contacted the clinic in Ukiah. That is when Allan gave me the bad news. The bad news comes in the form of a little gem called the Geographic Means Test, an Executive Order signed by George W. Bush in January 2003.

In a nutshell, if I lived in San Francisco, I would be eligible for the medical benefits promised to me through Veterans Affairs. But I live in Lake County and am therefore not eligible. I cannot even reapply until next August 2009. Apparently President Bush believes a promise is predicated upon where you live.


I was not asking/applying for a handout – I made it very clear I would be most agreeable to paying a premium and a co-pay. I went looking for a hand-up, not handout.


Thanks Bush – for the backhand to the face of a veteran who actually showed up for morning muster.


Donna Christopher lives in Lucerne.


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