Saturday, 28 September 2024

Ending Iraq occupation at the top of the issues list

An open letter to California's Congressional Delegation:

American voters strongly rejected the Bush Administration's war of aggression in Iraq by electing Democratic majorities in both houses of congress. The Democratic Party earned a mandate for change which must now be translated into action.

Of all the issues confronting the new Congress, ending the occupation in Iraq is at the top of the list because of its great complexity and huge financial impact. The Lake County Democratic Club strongly urges and supports the votes of our California Congressional Delegation to do the following:

– Provide funding to equip and train our troops and provide needed medical and ongoing care to all of our veterans.

– Set a timeline for immediate re-deployment of our troops from Iraq, moving them out of a full blown civil war.

– Prohibit establishment of permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq.

– Make future proposed economic assistance to Iraq subject to strict congressional pre-conditions and accountability.

– Undertake comprehensive regional and international diplomatic initiatives to achieve a political settlement in Iraq and prevent the conflict from spreading into a wider regional war.

These provisions were included in HR 787, introduced by Congressman Mike Thompson. The provisions have been included in the recently passed House and Senate supplemental bills. These bills require that our troops are trained and ready, that our veterans and their families receive the care

they deserve, and that the executive is accountable to the people regarding military spending.

We also urge our California legislators ensure that no funds appropriated by Congress may be expended to engage in war with any people, nation or movement unless a formal Declaration of War has been made by Congress.

Once a settlement in Iraq is achieved, we can focus our national resources toward underfunded vital issues such as health care, education, and environmental protection.


James Evans – Issues & Legislation Committee Member

Berwin Berlin – Issues & Legislation Committee Member

Rebecca Curry – Chair

on behalf of the membership of the Lake County Democratic Club





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