Sunday, 30 June 2024

Williams: The love you show will come back to you

Young people, I am speaking to you as a 77-year-old with a heart that grieves for you having to live through a political climate full of hate and evil. But take heart, not everyone is on board with the racism and ugliness coming across the airwaves on a daily basis.

As a young person I saw what the power of love can do to combat war, to combat racism and classism. Young people, speak out against violence, speak out against racism and speak out for peace. Your voices together will drown out the naysayers.

Young people, know that you do not have to accept what is going on in our county today in terms of the lack of positive leadership. Be a positive leader speak out against those who promote evil.

You can make a difference every day of your life. I am 77 and I have not given up; it is never too late for peace.

We must come together as all of the colors in the rainbow and celebrate our differences. We as a people should never allow ourselves to be devalued by someone calling himself a leader and a role model while pushing distrust and negativity.

Let us join hands and make the great divide that has been created and close the gap with love.

Love peace, love thy neighbor and love yourself as you commit your life to justice and peace.
Most of all, make a difference everyday of your life and the love you show will come back to you and make you stronger.

Sue Williams lives in Kelseyville, Calif.

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