Saturday, 28 September 2024

Reilley: Why Proposition 9 is important

The opening sentence of Becky Curry's letter (Curry: Proposition 9 will make prison crisis worse) strongly indicates that she is writing for the Democrat Party. The comments are similar to those submitted by other Democrats to newspapers around the state.

First off, victims of violent crime represent all parts of California demographics. We are both sexes, gay, Democrat and Republican, poor to rich, union members to business tycoons.

No victim I know of was ever asked by the criminal if he or she was a Democrat or Republican. Victims are distressed that Proposition 9 is a political issue. We are bewildered why the Democrat Party fights against us. Why won't the Democrats join the honorable fight for victim rights? After all, we fought for civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, equal rights, environmental rights. Victim rights is one more honorable cause for Democrats. Victims represent a more broad-based group than any political party or opponent group against us. And we vote.

Proposition 8, passed 25 years ago, was a good start, but the rights are statutory, easily ignored by public officials, no consequences to them. Proposition 9 will enshrine victims' rights in the state constitution. Victims are tired of second class citizenship in the criminal process. We are the ones who suffered the crime with pain and financial loss, we have a stake in the resolution. We do not seek revenge or vengeance, we want equal standing and justice.

Did Ms. Curry talk to victims before writing her letter? We are not hard to find; there have been six million victims of violence since 1983. If she did, our stories would put Proposition 9 in context for her. She would understand our passion for equality ... and justice. And, Proposition 9 does not take away any of the accused's rights; that is not our purpose.

Victim opponents always put up the straw man argument about any anti-crime initiative victims put on the ballot: It costs too much. Really. Are they sure about that?

The claim that Proposition 9 will cost hundreds of millions of dollars is bogus. It is based on the Legislative Analyst's Office speculation that IF the legislature empties the prisons to balance the budget or appease a federal judge, then Proposition 9 would prevent this. This is a good thing. Who wants violent murderers, rapists, thugs and molesters released before serving the maximum time allowed?

There are other solutions to prison overcrowding than releasing violent prisons to create a crime wave in California. Emptying prisons is not a good idea.

Here is how it would work: prisoners released, huge cost to the parole system; two-thirds of violent prisoners are recidivist, back in prison within three years after committing one to 10 new crimes; new victims suffer incalculable cost-loss, more law enforcement cost in processing new crimes; finally, back in prison, more overcrowding. Solution – release another batch! This is nuts. Saving – where, to whom, when?

Opponents say that only the non-violent will be released? Is Ms. Curry aware that prosecutors, defense attorneys and judges plea bargain to lesser crimes? And without victim input or notice.

Parole: unrepentant criminals should not be given frequent parole when there is no chance they will be released. Parole hearings are a unique torture, worthy of the Inquisition, to victims: the mental and financial pain is enormous. Of course, the prisoners pay nothing. The parole changes put an end to the merry-go-round. By the way, several states are ending parole ... sounds good to me.

Finally, if cost is an issue, be prepared. Federal judges want to take billions of dollars for medical treatment of prisoners. They will have better health care than most victims, or the public, can afford. Criminals will be breaking into prison to get the care and operations they need, going to the head of the line for transplants, then getting early release. Impossible, you say? Impossible? Get ready.

Genelle and Jack Reilley live in Laguna Beach. Jack Reilley is chair of Friends of Marsy's Law – Vote YES on Proposition 9,


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