Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Darling and Powers: Support positive change

LAKEPORT, Calif. – Last year brought change to the Lakeport Unified School District as we began to align our schools to the recommendations of the California Department of Education to improve academics, implement positive social emotional behavior systems and provide equity for all children.

Bond funds have provided updated facilities and technology that meets the majority of the students.

The district prioritized the central kitchen/high school cafeteria and library/media center. Students now have a place to eat and socialize during inclement weather, and they can now be served and eat during the 30-minute lunch period. Healthier food choices are served due to the facilities upgrades.

The new culinary program will provide our students with future career opportunities. Our food services director and new culinary teacher from Fresh & Bangin will combine their efforts to improve both our food menus and student experience. The culinary program allows the district to apply for a grant to reimburse some of our costs of the new facility.

Despite soaring costs due to the economy and local fires, the district is actively seeking funding to build the pool, tennis courts, and fitness center. Grants are being actively sought and the application for Prop 51 funding has been submitted. State Sen. Mike McGuire and Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry are working with our school board to facilitate that funding.

Safety continues to be a priority of the district. The District Safety Committee consists of Lakeport Police, Lakeport Fire Department personnel, the school resource officer, administrators, teachers, classified staff, directors, maintenance staff, the school nurse, and parents and meets monthly to deal with current issues.

The Aeries communication system allows parents to choose the method of delivery they prefer during emergencies including text, email and voice mail.

Training has been provided by the FBI for active shooters response and our school resource officer is trained in the DARE program which will be delivered to students during class.

The district is supporting systems to improve school climate as required by the California Department of Education to reduce suspensions/exclusion. We believe in teaching positive behavior and social justice as opposed to harsh punishment and exclusion.

Positive Behavior Intervention System, or PBIS, is being implemented at a higher level including more training for teachers, classified staff, bus drivers and parents.

A full-time PBIS teacher coach supports positive discipline options and restorative social justice to teach students how to repair relationships and the damage caused by negative behavior.

Lakeport Elementary School now has a sensory room for students to de-escalate when they are angry and disruptive.

Clear Lake High School has instituted an advisory period to build relationships, provide academic planning and discuss social emotional issues such as bullying.

Training will be provided for all staff on PBIS, trauma-informed care, adverse childhood effects, and de-escalation techniques to help staff deal with students who have social challenges.

Staffing changes have occurred at both the elementary and middle school. The majority of the staff changes were due to teachers moving out of the area, changing positions within the district, retirement, and credential issues.

The new teachers have a high level of support. Lake County Office of Education provided a summer institute, LUSD provides an instructional teacher coach at each school and a PBIS behavior teacher coach for the district. A wide variety of training and coaching is provided throughout the year tailored to the individual needs of the new teachers.

Our Local Control Accountability Plan is currently being implemented and we have many new and exciting programs at our schools including:

● A full-time K-12 music teacher providing chorus at all grade levels.
● Instructional teacher coaches at all schools and a PBIS behavior coach districtwide.
● Community partnership coordinator to assist parents and connect with our community.
● Dashboard teams of teachers, administration, and classified staff looking at our data and making action plans in the areas of English/language arts, math, suspension, and chronic absenteeism.
● Native American AmeriCorps social/emotional support tutor located at Terrace campus.

Dennis Darling and Tom Powers are members of the Lakeport Unified School District Board and both are seeking reelection Nov. 6.

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