Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Brannigan: Buffalo would be great addition to Lakeport Unified School Board

I have known Dan Buffalo personally and professionally for well over 10 years. His approach to management – and to public service – is thoughtful, solutions-based, and always considerate of best practices in the field of public administration, specifically local government administration. He is one of the most steady-handed, decisive, honest people I know – and would make a great addition to the Lakeport School Board.

As the former Lakeport Public Works director, I had the responsibility of overseeing a number of dity functions. I relied on Dan’s insight and expertise in accounting and finance to help me develop recommendations to the Lakeport city manager, city council and Lakeport School Board.

One of the biggest challenges in any public office is making tough decisions. Sometimes you have to make decisions quickly, with a lot of emotions at stake. Dan has the rare ability to analyze difficult, complex issues and communicate them clearly to help build an understanding, and consensus. He doesn’t jump to conclusions. He wants information first. He considers it carefully, listens to those around him, and then offers recommendations and solutions.

Dan’s background in local government finance is a huge plus. As I have observed, one of the biggest issues facing Lakeport Unified is how money is being spent. I know Dan had training and education in public school finance, while a graduate student at USC. Dan will be able to provide important insight, and provide creative solutions for all money-related issues.

I know Dan to care deeply for our community. Like my wife and I, he has three children. Ours are grown and are alumni of Lakeport Unified. His are, or will soon be, educated at Lakeport schools. His goals, like ours, is to ensure that the schools’ limited resources are focused to benefit the entire community, and most importantly, invest in our community’s youth.

This is exactly what Lakeport Unified needs, so please consider all that Dan Buffalo brings to the board and vote for the best person I know to fill this position. Also, please consider the change that will occur with like-minded running mates Carly Alvord and Jen Hanson.

For more information about their campaign, visit www.fixLUSD.com.

Mark Brannigan is city manager of Dunsmuir, Calif., and former Community Development director and retired Public Works director for the city of Lakeport, Calif., where he owns property.

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