Saturday, 28 September 2024

Engle: Mortgage bailout a blunder

Our forefathers must be turning over, no, twirling in their graves over the latest mortgage industry bailout blunder by our so-called representatives in Washington.

I am now so disappointed in both of our presidential candidates for supporting this "bailout" bill that I long for the days when Ross Perot was in the race. That little spit-fire would straighten this mess out in no time. Washingtonians have been so busy looking at the ticker tape they failed to see the CEOs running out the back door with all the cash. Free market economy ... huh? I may not even vote for a president in this election. Somebody please dig up FDR and try to kick-start him. We need him now more than ever.

In an era where milk is more expensive than a gallon of gas, I guess anything is possible. However, to saddle the American people with the reckless financial follies and avarice of the mortgage industry borders on the macabre. Yes, I can now clearly picture our forefathers twirling in their graves and can hear them loudly cursing Lloyds of London ... quite loudly.

Bailout a corporate blunder? I say nay. In the recent past we have all seen these cold-hearted entities move off of American soil in search of the benefits of the "global economy" promised by Volker, Regan, the Bushes and Clinton. All the global economy has done is cost hardworking Americans their jobs and pensions. I doubt there is any American who doesn't know someone who has lost their hard-fought pension due to a corporate dissolution or at least someone forced into an "early retirement" and reduced pension/benefits because their job was moved to foreign soil for the good of "the bottom-line". Heck, even Hershey's, the historic giant of American chocolate, recently announced its plans to close its American plants and move to Mexico! Is there no shame in the quest for corporate profits?

If Washington wishes to bail someone out, let's bail out our blood, sweat and tears, and pensioners stripped of their dignity. How about the poor suckers who opted for the smoke-and-mirror tactics of the banking industry and the wonders of the adjustable rate mortgage during an era of runaway inflation? I hear dog food makes a great meatloaf. The banking industry should be ashamed.

Every American should have the right to a home of their own. This is truly the American Dream. Have we all forgotten the great Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life"? That was what America used to be about. That is also as it should be and could be today. There is no excuse. Our children deserve better. Washington and Wall Street have lost their way. Middle Class America is dwindling away. The sin of avarice looms heavy these days. Lord please absolve us of these ways!

Kevin Engle lives in Lower Lake.


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