Thursday, 04 July 2024

Harris: In-home support workers deserve a raise

It has always puzzled me that, in terms of compensation, we afford the lowest priority to those who serve the most vulnerable among us.

Workers who provide needed care, supervision and support for people with disabilities, the frail elderly, and the very young can expect the lowest wages in our economy.

This has been evident given my experiences which include director of the Area Agency on Aging for Lake and Mendocino Counties, clients rights advocate for people with developmental disabilities, and an instructor in human services for the Yuba Community College District, among others.

A major component in this dilemma is the wages paid to in-home support workers, some 1,800 of them, in the county-administered In-home Supportive Services program, or IHSS, in Lake County.

These workers make it possible for the frail elderly and people with disabilities to remain safely in their homes as long as possible, thereby minimizing the need for institutional care. Institutional care is far more expensive, and in virtually all circumstances represents a substantially diminished quality of life.

Thus, IHSS constitutes a classic win-win in that people live happier, more functional lives, and the financial cost to society is reduced considerably. In the big picture, society benefits from maintaining contact that supports the dignity of and respect for our elders and neighbors with disabilities.

IHSS workers have historically been limited to minimum wage in spite of efforts to convince the county that they are deserving of higher compensation.

Currently the Service Employees International Union is arguing for a small step toward correcting this situation in the form of a 50 cent per hour raise above minimum wage and funding for minimal employee benefits from the county.

I would stress that this is a small step toward rectifying the underlying problem, and that it is a financially wise step. Any increase in wages will recirculate in the local economy benefiting public revenues and private businesses.

Most importantly, Improved compensation and benefits will raise the quality of care for the most vulnerable by attracting a wider pool of workers to choose from.

Simply put, it is both the right and smart thing to do. I urge you to contact your county supervisor and ask them to support the requested increase in IHSS compensation.

Doug Harris lives in Clearlake, Calif.

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