Thursday, 04 July 2024

O’Rourke: Steve Brown best services county’s public safety needs

Like many of us, my mailbox has been filled with political flyers recently urging me to vote in the way the publishing organization sees as best.

Amongst them I have seen communication from folks that seem to represent the Democratic Central Committee in support of their candidate for district attorney.

While I respect their right to support the candidate that they have chosen, their goals as a partisan group don’t reflect my goals for Lake County.

I have been a registered Democrat since 1980 but I am proud of the fact that I am independent when it comes to the candidates that I support.

The office of district attorney is a nonpartisan office and has no place for partisanship. We need the candidate that best suits the public safety needs of Lake County and that is why I proudly support Steve Brown for district attorney.

I have known Steve and his family for most of my life and I am confident in his desire to represent Lake County in a manner that ensures public is considered in every matter that comes before him.

Steve has worked hard and has earned the trust and support of law enforcement, the same law enforcement that has worked with his opponent for several years. She touts her experience but, it’s that experience with her that has convinced most of our local law enforcement to support Steve Brown.

I am joining law enforcement in that support and I hope you join us in voting for Steve Brown on June 5.

Barbara O’Rourke lives in Lakeport, Calif.

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