Thursday, 04 July 2024

Lerman: Shanda Harry the right choice for judge

For a Lake County judge with a track record of sound judgment and political independence, cast your vote for Shanda Harry in the upcoming election.

I was fortunate to work alongside Shanda when she was a deputy district attorney at the Lake County District Attorney’s Office. There, she proved herself a capable criminal litigator who considered the greater impact of her decisions on public safety.

She gained significant experience, not just from jury trials, but by participating in the law and motion process – where bail decisions, sentencings and procedural motions are fought and decided on a daily basis in the courtroom.

Shanda’s deep understanding of the law was apparent in the quality of her work – she did not shoot from the hip or act on emotion; rather, she studied case law, prepared, and considered the evidence to arrive at just results.

She then joined the County Counsel’s Office, where she ensured the transparency and legality of the operations of local government. She represented the county in court on complex civil matters, engaged in contract negotiations, and conducted legal research under significant time pressure.

Additionally, she addressed the rights of incarcerated individuals by reviewing and responding to writs of habeas corpus initiated by inmates, and advising on policies of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.

Shanda has earned a reputation as an intelligent, reliable and trusted public servant with a strong work ethic. She has shown her ability to put in the necessary work, including long hours of research, to arrive at balanced decisions.

This is the candidate who has the right qualifications, intelligence and temperament to be a Lake County Judge.

Vote for Shanda Harry on June 5, 2018.

Sharon Lerman is a former Lake County deputy district attorney. She lives in Lakeport, Calif.

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