Thursday, 04 July 2024

Barry: Wanted – Willits Frontier Days Sweetheart candidates

Can you believe it’s almost time for the 2018 Willits Frontier Days celebration?

Even though July seems far away, preparations are already under way to make sure it will be another successful event to be enjoyed by all.

One of the big first checkboxes on the 2018 to-do list is to get our sweetheart candidates set and ready to start selling tickets and representing Willits’ famous festivities starting on May 1.

Girls aged 16 to 20 are welcome to apply, and need not reside in Willits. They do not need to own a horse, but do need to have one available to them to use for the duration of the contest. They must never have been married, and not have had children.

Contestants will be asked to sell tickets to the roster of Fourth of July events, compete in a public speaking contest with a prepared speech following the 2018 WFD theme “We Stand for Old Glory,” showcase poise and personality while modeling, as well as ride a horse in a horsemanship pattern, and answer questions about tack, horses, and the rodeo lifestyle.

Contestants will also be asked to do a Queen run where they gallop around the arena waving at the crowd.

Once candidates are confirmed and applications are received – by the April 28 deadline – the girls will attend a preparatory meeting and receive their first batch of tickets on May 1 at the Willits Frontier Days office.

Just before the sweetheart dinner where the winner is crowned, the tickets will be tallied by an official and local certified public accountant to ensure a fair contest. Ticket sales are combined with scores from the speeches and the riding portion of the contest to name an overall winner.

Girls will receive a percentage of their ticket sales at the end of the contest, and the winner will receive the coveted tiara, engraved spurs, flowers and a saddle.

The contestants and the winner will be given the opportunity to ride in all of the rodeo’s Grand Entry events as well, as a place in the Main Street Parade on July 4.

Liz Day and Kathy Graves will head up the contest this year and will be the main contacts for the contestants during the contest. Liz can be reached at 707-354-0933 and Kathy at 707-489-0442 for more information.

Entry forms for Willits Frontier Days sweetheart are available online at under the “Sweethearts” tab.

Remember also, the 2018 schedule of events, contact info for event chairpersons, event information, entry forms for all other community events including the Junior Rodeo – now with mutton busting! – the horse show, the Hometown Celebration, the Horseshoe Contest and the Main Street Parade are all available online, too!

Marcy Barry is vice president of Willits Frontier Days in Willits, Calif.

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