Thursday, 04 July 2024

Butts: How can anyone not support securing America's borders?

Do you leave your car and house unlocked for anyone to walk through? Let's ask if Nancy Pelosi (net worth of $120 million), Maxine Waters (currently about $1.3 million) and Chuck Schumer (net worth $12 million), if they leave their doors open for all to walk through.

Rebuilding America's depleted military?

The Obama administration left our military in a poor state of repair. Parts are being scavenged to keep our planes flying. Remember, it is the weak that are attacked, not the strong.

Slashing taxes and unnecessary regulations to spur economic growth?

Lake County needs all the help it can get for future growth. Right now hours are being cut in county offices that server our people.

Regarding regulations, are you aware that California has 343 agencies that slow all economic progress with undue paper work and cost? You may have heard that the only place state government can cut expenses is police and fire.

State agencies employ over 350,000 people directly and countless more via contracts with the state. All of these people get salaries, medical coverage and pensions at our expense and almost all are unionized. Ask yourself, is it a time for change in Sacramento?

Judeo-Christian principles on which our country was founded?

These are the principles on which our country was founded and we now have a president who believes in these principles. The National Prayer Breakfast took place on Feb. 8, however, we saw little mention of it in the national media. Isn't it time for Americans to stand with our our founders and President and preserve our nation?

How can we not support our country? When was the last time you and your children stood tall, with your right hand over your heart, and made the following pledge?

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Leona M. Butts lives in Clearlake Oaks, Calif.

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