Sunday, 07 July 2024

Morrison: Cannabis is not a cure-all

As a physician, I have dedicated my career to helping people live healthier lives. Many factors contribute to health – diet, exercise, heredity, stress levels, environment and more.

Throughout my decades of practice, people have sought quick, easy remedies to feel better. While modern medicine offers some amazing cures, we still haven’t found the perfect cure for everything.

With the legalization of recreational marijuana going into effect this month, I see people turning to cannabis as a miracle cure for everything and this concerns me.

While there are legitimate uses for cannabis, it is not a cure-all.  

Cannabis can help reduce pain and nausea, and it’s proven especially effective for some patients undergoing chemotherapy or receiving palliative treatment for terminal illnesses.

However, marijuana is not the wonder drug some people would have you believe.

There is a sense that because cannabis is a plant, because it is natural and not derived in a lab, that it must be healthy. Not so! Nature creates some potent toxins, and man has modified these plants to make their effects even stronger.

Unlike alcohol, which does not contain any chemicals produced by our brains, cannabis contains THC, a chemical that mirrors a naturally occurring substance in the brain. This allows THC to alter brain activity profoundly.

This effect on the brain is what leads to a decrease in productivity and ambition. Used sparingly as a distraction by adults, cannabis does not appear to do long-term damage. Used regularly by adolescents or pregnant women, the effects can be disastrous and irreversible.

Unfortunately, recent studies have shown that the use of marijuana among pregnant women is increasing. In California, among pregnant women 24 years of age and younger, the rate of marijuana usage is about 14 percent. Among pregnant women of all ages, marijuana usage is about 7 percent.

My concern is that legalizing marijuana makes people believe it is safe when it isn’t. I have other concerns about the effects of marijuana on our community – the increased violence and crime, the pollution of our forests and streams, and the hard feelings between neighbors. But my biggest concern is for the welfare of our children, including the unborn.

If you choose to use marijuana, please protect your children from the negative effects of this drug. The brain only develops once. If that development is impeded by cannabis, there is no fixing it.

Dale Morrison retired from Ukiah Valley Medical Center (now called Adventist Health Ukiah Valley) in Ukiah, Calif., where he served as a cardiologist and chief of staff.

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