Sunday, 07 July 2024

Dutcher: Tax reform proposal punishes homeowners, hurts Californians

Homeownership has been and always will be the foundation of opportunity for Americans across our great nation. It provides wealth and opportunity and sustains communities where families live, work, and contribute to society.

Despite these undeniable benefits, Congress has passed legislation that would punish homeowners, eliminate the financial benefits for homebuyers and leave hundreds of thousands of people across California much worse off than they are today. If the goal of tax reform is to help middle class Americans keep more of their hard-earned money, this proposal fails miserably.

Tax reform shouldn’t hurt Californians, but the House of Representatives proposal does, in a big way. It eliminates important incentives that help first-time homebuyers by capping the mortgage interest deduction, limiting property tax deductibility, and changing capital gains exemptions. From the Oregon border south to San Diego, working Californians take a beating.

The average California house costs two-and-a-half times the national average, and housing supply projections show the state will be nearly three million houses short by 2020. Only 32 percent of California families are able to purchase a median priced home.

With homeownership already a stretch, or out of reach altogether for so many Californians, now is NOT the time to make owning a home more difficult.

The California Association of Realtors represents nearly 200,000 men and women who work to help people achieve the American Dream of homeownership.

We will fight to protect policies that help people build wealth so that they can send their children to college, pay for health insurance or start a small business.

Homeownership does all these things, and more. It gives people a sense of community, helps them plant roots and makes for a stronger and more prosperous society. Taking these opportunities away ignores the values of our nation and puts our economic future at risk.

The objectives of the House tax plan may be well intended, but put at risk one of the cornerstones of American society.

Homeowners, families hoping to someday buy their first home, small business owners and Realtors must call their senators to urge them to reject this misguided proposal and find a compromise solution with Congress.

Bobby Dutcher is president of the Lake County Association of Realtors.

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