Sunday, 07 July 2024

Perry: County pledges assistance through Rocky fire recovery process

As we focus our attention on the Rocky fire recovery, our hearts are with those who suffered devastating losses during the last two weeks.

Lake County Office of Emergency Services (OES) and the County of Lake are 100-percent committed to providing leadership and assistance to meet our shared goal of a safe and rapid recovery for our residents and our environment.

Recovery is a multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional effort, with many layers.

There are many people focusing their attention on the development of a thorough, comprehensive debris removal plan that is safe for the residents and safe for our environment.

Developing this plan is consistent with the Board of Supervisors' actions taken at the special meeting held on Tuesday, Aug. 11.

To access funding sources, the plan will need to be approved by the Board of Supervisors. It is currently scheduled to be heard at the Tuesday, Aug. 18, Board of Supervisors' meeting.

We will continue to release information as it becomes available. In the meantime, you can find updated information on our social media pages at Lake County OES Facebook and Lake County OES Twitter.

The virtual Local Assistance Center, with information on agencies that can provide help, is at . The Lake County libraries have computers with Internet access and an easy link to the Web site. Or you can call 1-800-325-9604 and talk with a call-in specialist.

I’m proud to say that Lake County residents are resilient and I’m confident we will all pull together to help our residents and neighbors in need.

We, at the county and Lake County OES, pledge our assistance through this recovery process.

Matt Perry is the administrative officer and director of the Office of Emergency Services for Lake County, Calif.

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