Sunday, 07 July 2024

Whitley: Middletown Lioness Club expresses thanks

The Middletown Lioness Club would like to thank the community for supporting our annual Father’s Day breakfast and raffle.

We would not have a location for our breakfast if it were not for the Middletown Lion’s Club, we appreciate the use of the Middletown Lions Community Building.

Thank you to all of the Lionesses that gave of their time and energy to plan, organize and prepare a delicious breakfast.

A special thank you to community members Teri Yee, Laurie Snell, Jamie Bracisco and Cheryl Shucart who gave of their time and energy to help in preparation, serving and cooking. We don’t know what we would have done without you.

We would like to thank Hardester’s Market for donating the watermelons and cantaloupes and also thank them for allowing us to sell our raffle tickets on their premises.

Thank you to the Middletown Central Park for providing a space at the park for us to sell tickets during Middletown Days.

Thank you to Safeway for helping out again this year with the ham, and Clover Dairy for keeping costs down for eggs and milk.

Thank you to the Middletown Senior Center for keeping the biscuits and sausage for us.

A big thank you to those who purchased tickets for our Father’s Day raffle. We are all so fortunate to live in such a wonderful supportive community.

The funds we raise allow us to provide annual Middletown High School scholarships, annual free Halloween carnival, and provide funds to support the seniors and youth of our community throughout the year.

Bobbie Whitley is president of the Middletown Lioness Club in Middletown, Calif.

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