Sunday, 07 July 2024

Wink: We need a warrior

To my friends and those who are not my friends:

We are currently in a world situation that many in positions of knowledge and power are describing as World War III.

That being the case, we as a country can no longer afford to have an apologizer and appeaser as our President and leader. We need a warrior.

We need a warrior who says what he means and who means what he says.

These last several years have left a path strewn with misrepresentations, deceitful actions and outright lies; even lies that cost Americans their lives (think Obamacare).

When our president says he has drawn a red line he must mean to cross it would cause grave consequences not just another line and further appeasement.

In these perilous times our military has been reduced in size and our country is being filled up with foreigners who owe no allegiance to our country and this because of the current administrations political ideology.

For over six years now we have had an administration that constantly flirts with socialism, who dissects the Constitution in a manner that most Americans find foreign and unimaginable, with a president who has traveled around the world apologizing for our ancestor’s behavior and currently has our strongest ally wondering if they still hold that position, now, that must come to an end. We can no longer afford the price tag.

I’m not here to tell you which person to vote for for president, I’m just telling you that when you mark that box next to the name of the person you have chosen that that person be a warrior, a person with intestinal fortitude, a person who can rouse a nation as one, not continue to divide us into segments who will surely lose this war.

Bill Wink lives in Hidden Valley Lake, Calif.

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