Sunday, 07 July 2024

Lyons: Appreciation for new state representatives' efforts

I called the offices of Mike McGuire and Bill Dodd, our new representatives at the state level, to let them know that I am pleased to see that they are making good on their campaign promises to us here in Lake County and are working to get us money to manage our lake (AB 367 to the tune of $2 million) and another piece of legislature aimed at recouping tax monies from the state for properties that are state or federal lands and, as such, do not generate local property tax revenues.

I was interested to hear that both legislators are paying a lot of attention to what is happening here with the Lake County Board of Supervisors and the notion that the county may want to break away from the state of California. 

You've got to wonder at the timing of this move on the board's agenda.

If I were a representative of a community and trying to get some benefits for that community, I would be disheartened to say the least if I heard that the group I was representing was considering leaving the legislative body in which I was representing them while I was working to convince other legislators get them some benefits.

One of the important statements I heard candidates make in this last election is that the state is not interested in making grants to entities who cannot get along with each other. This makes sense as who wants to fund someone else's fight! You want to put your resources where they will do some good.

One of the pieces of news I heard from Dodd's office is that he is working to get relief for low income citizens on their water rates. Wow!

So maybe it would be a good idea to give these new state representatives a chance to make good on their promises; they seem to be serious about helping us here in Lake County.

At the very least we should not undermine their efforts in the middle of the stream, so to speak.

If you want to encourage more and better representation from your state elected officials, you might contact Mike McGuire's office at 707-576-2771 and Bill Dodd's office at 707-552-4405 and tell them you appreciate the effort they are making on your behalf.

Suzanne Lyons lives in Clearlake, Calif.

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