Sunday, 07 July 2024

Wink: Bigger government the cause of unrest

Hey you! Yeah you! This is your fault!

While you are eating your Cheerios I want you to recognize what you have done. Surprised aren’t you?

What we are experiencing today, this unrest that is tearing at the fabric of society, has little to do with race and everything to do with bigger government.

More government control, more laws, more rules, more ordinances. And when you have more laws, more rules and more ordinances it is left up to law enforcement agencies to enforce those laws, rules and ordinances.

Before the seat belt law you never experienced an interaction with law enforcement over your seat belt. Before car seat legislation, no interaction, before talking on your cell phone was illegal, no interaction, before no smoking ordinances no interaction, before air quality control, no interaction and the list goes on and on and on.

So what happens when the incidence of interaction between law enforcement and we citizens increases exponentially?

The opportunity for something to go wrong increases at the same rate, and a man in Staten Island, New York loses his life because law enforcement was enforcing a city law regarding the sale of a single cigarette, that’s what happens.

Bigger government requires more money to operate. Government has only one source of revenue and that is you so somehow they must take from you what they need to feed bigger government, therefore, they send out the revenue collectors which we know as law enforcement agencies to enforce their revenue generating laws, rules and ordinances.

You reap what you sow.
Bill Wink lives in Hidden Valley Lake, Calif.

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