Sunday, 07 July 2024

Jarrett: CMAS offers thanks for Star Award

The Children’s Museum of Art and Science (CMAS) would like to thank the Stars of Lake County Committee and the community at large for our recent recognition as the Youth Advocate of the Year.

We would also like to acknowledge our many partners who have helped us to offer free hands on art and science activities to our youth: The Lake County Office of Education, the Anderson Marsh Interpretative Association, the Lake County Historical Society, the Redbud Audubon Society, Rotary Clubs throughout the county, the Yuba College Culinary Program and Foods Etc.
We began hosting an annual all day art and science camp at Anderson Marsh State Historical Park and the Taylor Observatory 10 years ago.

Four years ago we changed one venue for the camp which now takes place each May at Taylor Observatory and the Ely Stage Stop.  

In 2010 we purchased Lego WeDo robot kits and laptops and have been putting on two-hour workshops in classrooms and after school programs throughout the county.

Three years ago we began sponsoring a rocket club that meets weekly at Taylor Observatory.

None of these activities would be possible without the support of other organizations as well as the large group of volunteers who always say “yes” when we need help.

We also greatly appreciate the donations of service groups and individuals who make it possible for us to have all of our activities free to participants.
While the inscription on the Stars trophy reads “The Children’s Museum of Art and Science,” it should really read “To the many good-hearted people of Lake County who support art and science education for our youth.”

Many thanks to all.
Carolynn Jarrett of Clearlake, Calif., is president of the Children’s Museum of Art and Science.

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