Sunday, 29 September 2024

Strasser: An initiative to save our seniors

Last Friday and Saturday we began our initiative campaign to place rent control for senior mobile home parks on the ballot in 2014. We were anxious: How would our efforts be received?

But first, some background. Most of us live on a fixed income, and yet, our rents have increased, and they have increased at a rate that far exceeds inflation.

Normally, the market system would protect us: Ideally, the market would be the arbiter of price. For example, if the rents were set to high, tenants would move. Or, in the alternative, tenants could ask their boss for a raise, or get a second job.

But, alas we tenants are captives. Mobile homes are not mobile. In most cases, they cost more to move than they are worth. Mobile homes are difficult to sell, because as space rent goes up, the value of mobile homes goes down. if we have to move, we have to abandon our mobile homes, or sell them at “fire sale” prices. The “playing field” is tilted.

Our initiative simply ties rent increases to Social Security benefits: If benefits increase, the park owners can raise the rent. This is a win-win situation. We get more, they get more.

Back to our experience: Our fears were allayed. Overwhelmingly, people were sympathetic, and more than willing to take the time to sign our petition, and, in addition, voice their sympathy with our cause.

It was incredibly energizing to get the support of our community. I felt honored to be a citizen of the Lake County community.

In truth, there were a few nay-sayers, but, as the poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti said, “Even in heaven, they don’t sing all of the time.”

And, by the way, we have registered 10 people to vote, so far. We have the voter registration forms and can answer your questions. If you have moved in the last two years, you must re-register to vote.

We will keep coming out. We will be at the Lakeport Grocery Outlet and Safeway, Fridays and Saturdays, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., as well as other locals and other times. If you want to help us gather signatures, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Nelson Strasser lives in Lakeport, Calif.

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