Saturday, 28 September 2024

Howland: A vote for Kucinich is a vote for the issues

Yes, Dennis Kucinich has dropped out of the race for president. But we were not going to vote for the man we were going to vote for his courageous stance on the issues: universal, single payer, not-for-profit health care; stop funding the illegal, immoral occupation in Iraq; hold Cheney and Bush accountable for their lying, spying and torture policies; restore our Constitution and Bill of Rights; change America's foreign policy from one of creating hatred against us for our aggression to establishing a Department of Peace in our government; the build-up of WMDs and war with Iran; and much more.

His has been a voice of reason and sanity in a brain-washed Congress, and now that voice is threatened by his own political party in his own Congressional District in Cleveland, Ohio. It seems that the corporations controlling the media that kept him out of the Democratic presidential debates have now decided to crush him out of politics altogether, and with the help of the Democratic leadership, they are pouring millions of dollars and supporting four other candidates against him to try to take away his seat in the House of Representatives. If he loses that seat, we the people will lose our last best chance to save our country.

His name is still on the Democratic ballot for Feb. 5. If you want to send the Democratic Party and the corporate media a message, please vote for the issues that Dennis Kucinich continues to try to bring into the discussion and everyone else is ignoring. A vote for Dennis is a vote for the issues.

Shirley Howland lives in Clearlake.


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