Sunday, 29 September 2024

Gebhard: We need to be treated as adults

I am concerned that many of us feel that lobbyists, and the big money interests run our government.  

Obviously, candidates need money to run their elections and buy media coverage for their campaigns, but too often that money is directly tied to specific bills to assist special interests, and not necessarily in the interest of their constituents.

This leads to the conclusion that many are not representing us, but big money. That is one reason for suspicion when it regards gun control.

Violence is always a last resort, but the second amendment made that a right of last resort. Government should be by the majority vote, and in the people’s interest.

The balance of power is off kilter when one or two percent controls ninety eight percent of the wealth, thus a large percentage of our elected representatives owe their election to big money.

When they talk gun control, we cringe because we do not know how far they will take it. Nobody really minds background checks; we have had them here in California for years.

I can even stomach limiting the size of magazines, though I oppose keeping so called assault weapons from citizens as silly, as fully automatic weapons have been illegal federally for some time. Semi-autos are just fine; in fact, I have always preferred them to fully autos.

I think government should protect us with laws that allow us to make decisions for ourselves. We do not need big brother peeking over our shoulder and micromanaging our every move.

We need to be treated as adults, I understand helmet laws, cigarette laws, alcohol laws, traffic laws, but lighten up on gun laws. Law enforcement is not bodyguards, we need to be able to protect our home and families, and it is our right.

Dave Gebhard lives in Lakeport, Calif.

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