Sunday, 29 September 2024

Strasser: We are but spectators

Guns do not give us power. Guns give us the illusion that we have power. We have no power over the major issues that we currently face.  

For example, the environment: we know that we don’t have too many flushes before the bowl overflows, but we are helpless to effect change. We can’t even protect our beloved lake from despoliation.

The majority of Americans are opposed to the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And yet, they are both over a decade long. We are lost in a loop of killing and dying. We used to at least have the perception that we had the moral high ground; now we betray our principles and our leaders torture and murder with impunity.

Another major issue of concern to us all is health care. The “Obamacare” bill was forged in a crucible of 100 senators, 437 congressmen and congresswomen, and 3,000 lobbyists.

Although there are some good things to the bill, such as not being denied coverage for “preexisting conditions,” the bill passed because it will make the health insurance companies more money.

Guns are not power, money is power.

A few years ago, our economy was in imminent danger of collapse because the credit spigot was about to be closed.

If the economy is a patient, credit is the life support system, and the plug was about to be pulled before the government (read: our money) began to bail.

The system that caused it is not much reformed, and the guys that caused it, have done so with impunity. If the “economic royalists” (FDR’s phrase) ruin the economy, there is nothing that you can do about it.

I admit that when a man lines up Bambi in his gun sights, and feels some nuance of libidinous excitement, he does have the thrill of power over life. (And, by the way, how do they call it sport, when the best the opponent can do is tie?)

But, as far as power over the decisions that affect our lives, we are but spectators.

Nelson Strasser lives in Lakeport, Calif.

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