Sunday, 29 September 2024

Smith: The Social Security Disability nightmare

This is the nightmare that “IS” Social Security Disability.

I was forced to resign from my last job almost two years ago, due to a serious physical disability cause by a surgery that went wrong.

I followed all the proper channels to establish my disability with the system. Unfortunately, I have now been denied twice by SSDA, and am having to hope for an expedient fair hearing.

I do have an advocate, but he isn’t any good for me until a hearing happens. The sad thing is, is that my advocate tells me that it will take another 10 months before a hearing will be scheduled for my case (“10 MONTHS?”).

Another sad thing about this is, my advocate tells me that it looks as if the worker at SSDA didn’t even read my file and just stamped me “DENIED.” It’s almost as if they pull names out of a hat, and deem those names to be denied for the entire process, thereby, forcing a hearing.

In the mean time, I have to rely on my wits and doing anything as creative as I can to keep finances from slipping away.

Some have told me to contact my local Congress member (which I have), but his assistant tells me that there isn’t much that they can do for me either.

I do keep my hopes up, that his office can have some kind of clout, to talk the SSDA into having my hearing moved up sooner.

I am lucky (if you can call it luck) to have served in the Navy during the Vietnam War. Due to that, I am eligible for some cash assistance, but it wasn’t much for the first year. I feel for those who have had no assistance at all.

I have worked my entire life and hardly ever lost time and collected unemployment.

I watched as thousands of refugees are brought into our country and given cash and homes. All I am asking for is something that I’ve earned, but yet I am denied.

What is wrong with this country? What a nightmare!
David W. Smith lives in Nice, Calif.

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