Sunday, 29 September 2024

Fulton: Vote yes on the Measure E lake sales tax

Since when does anyone want another tax increase … never!  

However, understanding the negative impact that aquatic weeds and algae have had on our Lake County tourism traffic for the past three years should make everyone in the county think YES when it comes to voting on Measure E, the lake sales tax.  

The Lake County Chamber Board of Directors voted to support Measure E at their August meeting because they understand how our communities are impacted by the lack of tourists.

Whether you live on Clear Lake or a community far from the lake such as Cobb, Middletown, Hidden Valley Lake or Blue Lakes, your local economy is impacted by the condition of the lake. Fewer tourists coming to recreate on Clear Lake reduces the numbers of vehicles traveling to and through your communities.  

Aquatic weeds and algae are a condition of Clear Lake that will always have to be addressed to some degree. The summers of 2010, 2011 and 2012 have seen excessive algae bloom impacts that have touched all of us.  

The Lake County Board of Supervisors has invested heavily in attempts to mitigate the negative impacts of the algae blooms, however the county does not have funds to continue the “fight.” Much of what was invested the past few years were one-time monies that no longer exist.

If Clear Lake is going to receive the attention and continued efforts to mitigate weeds/algae, and efforts to keep the quagga/zebra mussels at bay, it is up to us!

Measure E is the solution to funding future efforts to continue the fight. Neither the state nor the federal governments will be sending any funds for this battle.  

Since 2008 the Lake County Department of Water Resources has tried a myriad of methods to abate aquatic weeds/algae and they are continuing to pursue whatever methods they became aware of which might have a positive impact in this area. As the lead agency for the county of Lake, the lack of funds will definitely hamper their efforts.

We, as voters in Lake County, can be a part of finding solutions by supporting Measure E, thus supporting their innovative leadership.

A half-cent sales tax from residents and visitors will make the difference in how the condition of Clear Lake impacts our communities and our tourism traffic.  

Measure E is written to:

  • Require that revenues are “locked-in” to be spent only on Clear Lake;
  • Mandates a citizen’s oversight committee;
  • Mandates an annual audit of how the funds are expended;
  • Contains a 10-year sunset clause.

The cost to an average family of four will be less than $30/year.  

A vote for Measure E will protect our air quality, enhance countywide property values, encourage new investments in our communities and induce job growth.  

The Lake County Chamber Board of Directors urges a YES vote on Measure E.

Melissa Fulton is chief executive officer of the Lake County Chamber of Commerce, based in Lakeport, Calif.

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