Sunday, 29 September 2024

Durham: What Proposition 37 isn’t about

I find that it is very easy to get off topic when discussing Proposition 37, which would simply require the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods.

The list of what Proposition 37 isn’t about is longer that what it is about.

It is not about the possible health consequences of eating GE foods, the increased use of Round-up herbicide on Round-up Ready GE crops, the revolving door between Monsanto and the FDA, or even that the seeds that give us food and life are now patented.

These issues are close to my heart but they are not what Proposition 37 is about.

Proposition 37 will require the labeling of GE foods so that when we take a product off the shelf at the supermarket we will be able to clearly read for ourselves if it contains GE foods or not. That’s it!

It doesn’t tell anyone what they may grow, what kind of research they may do, how they may use this new technology, or in any way restrict the use of GE drugs.

This is simply about truth in labeling of GE food. Many countries already have labeling of GE food and have not suffered ill consequences or increased food prices as a result.

As an organic farmer here in Lake County, I have to pay attention to the consumer’s desires and adjust my crops as needed.

What is lacking now, with regards to GE crops, is this feedback loop. Without labeling the consumer has no choice and then the farmers and food processors have no way of knowing what the consumers really want. Nothing speaks like the dollar in the marketplace.

Polls show between 85 and 95 percent of us – including Democrats, Republicans, men and women – want labeling of GE foods, but polls don’t make law or policy.

We have tried and tried again to get the FDA to require labeling but they aren’t listening to the consumer, even when they received almost one million letters in support of labeling.

The Vermont legislature tried to require labeling but backed down when Monsanto threatened to sue them.

So here we are in California, trying to make history, thanks to Pamm Larry, a grandmother who passionately wants GE foods labeled and got the proverbial ball rolling.

Proposition 37 is simple – label GE foods. Yes, there are some exemptions but we have 15 years of not labeling GE foods, and it will take more than one initiative to completely reverse directions.

We know how badly the opposition wants this initiative to fail by the amount of money they are putting into the “No on 37” campaign, upwards of $35 million, of which $7 million is from Monsanto alone! The “Yes on 37” campaign has raised barely one-tenth of what the opponents have to work with.

Fortunately it is not just about dollars when it comes to ballot initiatives. It is about voting, it is about all of us voting.

It is about reminding each other that just because there are many more ads against Proposition 37 (thanks to all that money) than for Proposition 37, it doesn’t mean that they are right and that is how we should vote. We should vote for what we want – not for what “they” want.

If you want a choice, and truth in labeling, when at the supermarket, you should cast your vote for Proposition 37. I know I will.

Annelle Durham farms in Upper Lake, Calif.

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