Sunday, 29 September 2024

Perry: Why the Lake County Association of Realtors is backing the Measure E ‘Save the Lake’ effort

Lake County is a great place to live. It has clean air, good schools for the kids, college campuses conveniently located on both ends of the county, two hospitals, well maintained major roadways, open spaces, an up and coming wine industry.

There are lots of mom and pop shops and businesses instead of huge malls that give Lake County a unique atmosphere.

There is also a good amount of quality housing for very reasonable prices compared to the rest of the state that attract buyers for second homes as well as retirement. We are not so far away from major metropolitan areas that it makes a trip to Lake County a major ordeal.

The jewel of Lake County is our lake. Everything seems to get its life; it’s identity from the beautiful lake that many of our small communities nestle up to.

Recently we have seen news reports that several business have been closing down due to lack of customers that are turned off by the condition of the lake. There are reports that tourism is down because of the economy and the lake’s condition.

Even though we know that Clear Lake is a natural lake, that it has been this way for thousands of years, there are reports that the lake has been steadily getting worse over the past couple of decades.

Some of our Realtors report that many of their buyers expressed a concern over the condition of the lake and we have heard reports of business not wanting to locate in Lake County because of the smell.

Our Realtors are very concerned about these issues that seriously impact the economic survival of Lake County. We need a healthy clean lake to support our businesses, wildlife and property values.

The Lake County Association of Realtors (LCAOR) understands the benefits that will be achieved with the passing of “Measure E.” This includes the enjoyment of the lake for recreational purposes: boating, water skiing and fishing.

Tourism will increase leading to profitable businesses in Lake County which then results in more jobs. Also benefiting will be the wildlife that depends on the lake as their natural habitat.

We expect a clean, healthy lake will bring about increased property values resulting in more tax dollars for Lake County to work on other projects.

LCAOR supports this small increase in the Sales Tax which will be held exclusively for the preservation of our beautiful Clear Lake.

“Measure E” is a win-win for business, nature, county residents and the visitors who come to enjoy the beauty that nature has given Lake County.

Ray Perry is president of the Lake County Association of Realtors, serving Lake County, Calif.

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