Sunday, 29 September 2024

Diehl-Darms: We are not sheep

When did political parties start believing we were sheep?

I recently read a mailer from the Lake County Democrats endorsing Victoria Brandon for District 1 supervisor.

The mailer states, “You may receive a ‘Democratic Voters Choice’ slate mailer that contains the name of District 1 Supervisorial candidate Jim Comstock.”

It states that the mailer is deceitful, false advertising meant to mislead you because Jim Comstock is a registered Republican.

I presume this mailer is talking about another mailer stating that Democratic Congressman Mike Thompson endorses Jim Comstock for Lake County District 1 supervisor. Nowhere on this mailer does it say that Jim Comstock is a Democrat or that the Democratic Party is endorsing him.

I applaud Congressman Mike Thompson for endorsing a person rather than a party. He recognizes all of the good work that Supervisor Jim Comstock has done in South Lake County. He sees the person not the party – what a concept!

What I find crazy about all this is that the supervisorial seat is nonpartisan. A candidate’s party affiliation does not matter.

Even if this character attack in this Democratic Party mailer sent out on behalf of Victoria Brandon is not a result of Congressman Mike Thompson’s endorsement, drawing party lines in a nonpartisan race is absurd. I for one am so sick of parties publicly attacking the personal character of candidates they perceive as the opposition.

I want to know that a candidate will listen to the people he represents, and what the candidate sees as the needs of the communities he serves. I want a candidate who is willing to fight for his constituents.

Jim Comstock has proven in his present term that he does listen. He is not afraid to take a stand when necessary. He has been our voice for south Lake County.

Jim Comstock has also proven that he comes from a place of integrity and is not afraid to give his opinion even if it is not politically correct. I admire his willingness to speak his mind. He and I do not always agree, but we do respect each other.

I am so tired of government representatives telling us what they think we want to hear and then doing the opposite or attacking others to try and make themselves look better.

I am tired of party lines. Just because a candidate is one party or the other does not mean they are the best person for the job. We are all people first. As far as I am concerned, both parties in our country carry too much power.

We are not sheep to be lead by one political party or another. We are the people, and the people decide.

Linda Diehl-Darms lives in Middletown, Calif.

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