Sunday, 29 September 2024

LeVasseur: Don't be fooled by Measure D

If you love the beautiful views of Lake County, want your property not to lose more value, or want to enjoy nature through hiking, painting or photography, there is a threat to all those interests called Measure D.

Measure D is NOT about medical marijuana; it is about changing the zoning restrictions.

Allowing Measure D could be our worst mistake since handing over water rights and control of the geyser fields.

Land and the lake are our best remaining resources here. Let's think like guardians and not lose this, too.

If you bought a property you probably looked at the neighborhood before you purchased. If Measure D passes all you have invested in will change, out of our control.

Articles have been published in media all the way down the coast inviting people to join a land grab here and plant marijuana in large quantities. These people do not care about Lake County; it is all about large profit.

You can already see examples of this mushrooming all over the hillsides and it is very ugly. It will spread like wildfire if the measure is not defeated.

Growers are building and grading without permits and scraping the areas free of natural vegetation without regard to runoff nutrients, pesticides and fertilizers.

Lots on hills and on the lake that were previously unbuildable will now be sold by disgruntled owners to growers.

What will happen when the mud all rolls down and chokes the lake? How will our hills look, scarred by the ugly grow plots? Will we scare away vacationers who still come here? We may as well kiss this paradise goodbye if we allow Measure D to pass.

I was shocked to hear how many people are afraid to walk in their own neighborhoods and even their own yards. Much more of this loss of freedom will be on its way unless we take our stand.

This measure needs to be rewritten to protect property owners and residents who live here.

Read the measure; it is short and the flaws are very glaring – you will be shocked.  

Please do your share of protecting our unique and fragile lake area by voting NO on Measure D.

Barbara LeVasseur lives in Nice, Calif.

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