Sunday, 29 September 2024

Glasser: Smart Meter Mayday

By the time you read this, it will be the last day PG&E gave you to opt out of their Smart Meter program and you’d be well advised to call PG&E TODAY to be sure you are on the opt-out list.

This applies to those who may have opted out online.

Additionally, unless a sticker has been placed on your meter by PG&E indicating your opt out choice, PG&E will tell you that “they can’t guarantee you won’t get a Smart Meter” so it’s time to pick up the phone and it’s worth the wait. The number to call is: 1-866-743-0263. Bypass the automated system by pressing zero and get connected to a live operator to be sure your request is logged.

Reports are pouring in from every area of California where Smart Meters were installed and bills have skyrocketed.

Even more troubling news is that scores of customers report having developed disabling health conditions ranging from migraine headaches to dizziness to insomnia and a host of other neurological disorders that have turned their lives in to a nightmare and in some cases, driven families from their homes.

Yes, you heard right! People have actually abandoned homes that became uninhabitable because of Smart Meters. This is due to a sensitivity people often don’t know they have until after they’ve been exposed to the particular type of radio frequency transmission emitted by Smart Meters and by then it’s too late.

While PG&E claims Smart Meters are perfectly safe and commissioned the science to back up their claims, many well reputed scientists around the world have warned of the problems caused by the wireless Smart Grid phenomena.

We’re not talking about crazy technophobes or chronic complainers. These folks aren’t hypochondriacs and they have no axe to grind with PG&E.

These people have been made sick by Smart Meters and when you’re ill and you were just fine until a Smart Meter was installed, it’s not coincidence.

Those with heart conditions should be particularly concerned as should pregnant women and families with small children. This is not just an inconvenient truth. This is about your health and the health of those you love.  

To date, 56 California local governments (11 counties and 44 cities including Lake County, Lakeport, Clearlake and the Big Valley Rancheria tribal community of Pomo Indians) have opposed PG&E’s mandatory Smart Meter program. PG&E ignored the cities and counties that banned Smart Meters claiming that local governments had no say in the matter.

PG&E was allocated $2.2 billion to roll out Smart Meters in California. That’s the largest Smart Meter installation in North America and they’re not doing this because it’s the “green” thing to do. They’re doing it for the money and they expect you the ratepayer to pay for privilege of having your health damaged.   

PG&E is invested in two types of mining – coal and data. Start by looking up the damage the PG&E-operated Boardman Coal Plant did to Oregon’s lakes and national forests dumping five million tons of carbon dioxide annually in to the environment.

By data mining, examine the fine print among the innocuous looking inserts that were mailed to you with your utility bill.

The little item called the Customer Data Access Application decision permits PG&E “to provide third party access to a customer’s energy usage data.” They get to sell the data they collect on you and then charge you for collecting it.

It gets better. They’ve asked the CPUC for $19.4 million in additional rate increases through 2016 to help them pay for their data collection program.

For more information about Smart Meters, the following web sites offer a reliable source of information:

Howard Glasser lives in Kelseyville, Calif.

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