Sunday, 29 September 2024

Strasser: Better do some soul searching

I have a simple question: What would it take for the Democratic Party to demand that Obama stand down for re-election?

Let’s review his record: He claimed to be opposed to “wars of choice” (referring to Iraq). After three years in office the war continues. Lt. Colonel Dan Davis recently, and valiantly, released an 84-page report stating that the surge had been a failure, that we spend $11 billion a year on building an indigenous military force that would fall apart without U.S. support, and that the situation has just gotten worse.

On a recent interview he said, “I saw men dying on missions that made no sense, and then were claimed as a successes.”

Lt. Colonel Davis has served four tours of duty, two in Iraq and two in Afghanistan. He has served 17 and a half years in the military and has only two and a half to get his pension. Yet, he was so morally appalled by what he witnessed, that he was willing to face the risk of retribution. But, you remain undaunted in your support for Obama.

Let us look at the economy: Obama gathered around him a terrific economic team, including Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Kruger, Paul Volcker and Robert Reich. But, after coming to office he chose for the top two economic posts, Tim Gaithner and Larry Summers. Although brilliant men, these two were instrumental in causing the crisis in the first place.

When Franklin Roosevelt took on the financial bad guys, he said, “I welcome their anger.” When Obama met with 13 of the most powerful bankers in the country, he said, “How can I help you?”

Tough regulations for the financial sector have not been put in place, no one has gone to jail, and of course, there was the scandal about the bonuses to corporations that received bailout money. But, Obama is the lesser of two evils, right?

Obama’s health care reform is a 2,000-page mish-mosh that most people don’t understand, and leaves millions without coverage.

He promised he would close Guantanamo before he was elected; now he isn’t going to close it. Guantanamo is an organizing tool for radicals and a symbol for us of the abandonment of the rule of law, habeas corpus, etc.

Before he was elected, he said that he was going to lift the embargo on Cuba. Now he says that he will not lift the embargo unless they do what he wants, that is, change their form of government.

He has waived the ban on military aid to four countries that induct children (as young as age 10) into their military. Still, Obama is your guy.

Whistleblower Bradley Manning has endured horrible treatment at the hands of the Obama Administration, and now faces court martial. Nothing he divulged was a threat to security. It was unpleasant truths about the wars we are conducting. But, you are not deterred from supporting Obama.

So, I have to ask again: can you conceive of any set of circumstances in which you would not support Obama? If you can’t, you better do some soul searching.

Nelson Strasser lives in Lakeport, Calif.

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