Sunday, 29 September 2024

Baumann: Beware Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm Syndrome describes a situation wherein victims come to identify with their oppressors. Instead of resenting ill treatment, they become emotionally and psychologically dependent upon those who dominate them.

Kept tied and blindfolded in a basement and fed cat food, they are grateful to their oppressors for feeding them at all, and fear a reduction in cat food allotment (“Things could be worse”).

They support their oppressors' interests, indoctrinated to believe that by furthering the overlords' cause, they are furthering their own.

If other oppression-victims dare challenge the oppressors, the Stockholm Syndrome victim flies to the oppressor's defense.

I have seen Stockholm Syndrome displayed time and time again over the years, on small scales and large. But never more starkly than in a letter published in the Record Bee last week, “Beware the simple answer.”

The writer of that letter warned against the people's movement to overturn corporate personhood. Her reasoning was that if we make trouble, things could get worse.

It would be hard to find a more classic example of Stockholm Syndrome at work. It also exposes the Tea Party's roots as a creature of the corporate Koch Brothers.

In this case, the Tea Party, psychologically dependent upon the corporate overlords and manipulated by fear (“things could get worse”), criticizes Move to Amend for making trouble.

How dare anyone believe that we, The People, can make a difference for the better? Watch out, don’t make trouble, or your cat food allotment might be reduced!

Personally, I think cat food is for cats, and that freedom, justice, democracy and fairness under the law are not kibble to be doled out in whatever small increments the One Percent are willing to allow.

That is why I support Move To Amend.

Deb Baumann lives in Upper Lake, Calif.

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