Sunday, 29 September 2024

Baumann: The No. 1 myth about Occupy Wall Street

The No. 1 myth about the Occupy Wall Street movement is that it has no clear message.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The 1 percent are rolling out the big media guns to convince Americans to believe that OWS has no message, because OWS's message is TOO CLEAR.

The mainstream media has been near-universal in proclaiming that OWS “has no clear message.” Five thousand people chanting “Banks Got Bailed Out, We Got Sold Out” translates to “no clear message” if you work for the mainstream media.

The reason all these corporate-owned news outlets are faithfully repeating that lie is, again, because OWS's message is TOO clear. Too consistent. Too widely agreed upon (by the 99 percent).

So, corporate media employs the old Chinese trick, “a lie told a thousand times becomes truth.” But just because you find the same thing being said on every channel, does not make it true.

There are a few key messages you will find universally repeated, nationwide, throughout the OWS movement.

One is that we need to reinstate the Glass-Steagal Act, because deregulation has turned our banking system into a casino for the uber-wealthy. And it's a casino where they cannot lose, because if the dice don't roll their way, us sucker taxpayers bail them out.

Another demand you will find repeated throughout the OWS movement: End corporate personhood.

The corporate-lawyer-dominated Supreme Court voted 5-4 against Citizens United and deemed that corporations were people, with human rights including freedom of speech, and that money was speech.

In his dissent, Justice Stevens wrote: “… corporations have no consciences, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires. Corporations help structure and facilitate the activities of human beings, to be sure, and their “personhood” often serves as a useful legal fiction. But they are not themselves members of 'We the People' by whom and for whom our Constitution was established.”

If you had driven by any of our Occupy Lake County events, you would have seen signs saying “End corporate personhood” as well as “Reinstate Glass-Steagal.” Pretty clear messages.

Other widely-agreed-upon demands you will likely find on every OWS Top 10 list include raising taxes on the 1 percent (make them pay a fair share) and stopping the purchasing of elections (election reform).

We the People cannot afford to buy politicians. So, we are carrying signs. And no matter how much the mainstream media wants you to believe otherwise, we ARE getting our message across.

The issues are complicated, but the spotlight that OWS is shining on the problem (our rigged financial and political system) has been unwavering, and that is what unnerves the 1 percent.

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Deb Baumann lives in Upper Lake, Calif.

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