Sunday, 29 September 2024

Felperin: American needs a project to unite it

It is more obvious to me than ever before that we Americans may be fatally divided in our national politic and moral ideology. This division is reflected in both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements.

What we need is common purpose that doesn’t involve war. We need to focus and concentrate on a national mission that will continue to keep America safe, secure and sustainable.

That “moon project” in my opinion needs to be the pursuit of personal energy independence. After all, “independence” is a core tenet on which our democracy was founded.

If we are to aspire to be a truly free society, then energy self-reliance is at the center.

The economic ramifications of energy supply disruptions will be crippling to the health of communities impacted by them.

This does not have to be the case.

We can become more distributed as an energy-producing nation creating plenty of new job opportunities in the process.

One simplistic idea might be government-subsidized solar photovoltaic modules.

This idea would go beyond rebates and tax credits. The government would produce and subsidize (finance) the cost of the widget (PV module) making the subsequent homeowner (business) investment irresistible.

This could be funded in a similar fashion to how the $25 US savings bonds were rolled out in the 1960s – just one idea.

Populist frustration is at an all-time high and congressional approval is at an all-time low. We need to find common ground badly.

I submit that we already have the ability (but lack the motivation-will) to improve the quality of our very own lives by investing in emerging technologies like PV and electric transportation.

We need to energize ourselves and our children if we are to survive a future of diminishing resources.

So I challenge all you couch-activists to take immediate personal action to evaluate your consumption patterns and work consistently towards breaking the chains of indentured utility servitude and begin living the energy-independent American dream!

Daniel Felperin lives in Cobb, Calif.

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