Sunday, 29 September 2024

Glasser: Farewell to Catfish Books

There will never be another Lynn Fegan. The enormity of the closure of Catfish Books is immeasurable. Lynn captured the heart and soul of everything that is good and right with America while as a nation, we trudge through such troubling times.

Lynn was an inseparable part of the tapestry that is the lifeblood of Lake County. She was in many ways, the heart and soul of the community she loved.

She was at the core of values in need of desperate attention – the values of learning, education, the arts and fostering a hunger to explore the greater world beyond ourselves to be found in books.

If one were to write the book on what Lynn Fegan and Catfish Books meant to our community, it would be about service and the belief that we can make a difference in our world and the ripple caused by the rock we throw with intent and purpose will have far reaching effects that keep giving.

What Lynn gave to Lake County will keep giving as it thrives in the lives she touched who will in turn pass the torch for it is up to each of us to stay reminded of what Catfish Books meant to our county and do what we can to keep the flame burning.

Perhaps more than any other single thing, Lynn was about our children and because of her dedication to the young people, she planted seeds for our future that will keep on growing for they will remember and in whatever they may do in life, they will take a part of her with them.

So thank you Lynn Fegan and know that when you close the doors of Catfish Books, there will be a tear on the page but a smile on our lips for we want more than anything for you to have the happiness you so richly deserve because we love you.

Howard Glasser lives in Kelseyville, Calif.

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