Sunday, 29 September 2024

Taylor: Reminded of '1984'

I’m reminded of George Orwell’s “1984.”

In Orwell’s novel the people were subordinated to a party doctrine, a party which in Clear Lake is the dynasty of wealth and power controlling the citizenry through a “Ministry of Truth” (government and news media), creating a classic Orwellian “authority” in Lake County.

A new unofficial task force of concerned citizens met for the first time at the Lakeport Yacht Club on Oct. 8, giving the impression that its purpose was to disseminate more factual and scientifically based information to the public. Instead, it offered propaganda and misinformation.

The concerned citizens were served double-talk and news-speak such as lake water getting clearer and sunlight being cause of recent massive algae scums, suggesting nothing need be done as the lake is doing what it does naturally for a few unpleasant days of the year.

According to Clay Shannon, speaking at a recent Board of Supervisors meeting, only for about 30 days of the year algae are a problem: again, algae not a problem, but for who? A substantial increase in the number of wineries in Lake County has occurred since 2004 (now numbering 37). Do they contribute to pollution? Not according to Greg Giusti, a speaker at the new lake task force meeting.

Are we to have reliable information about lake waters or propaganda? Controlled government misinformation and a compliant news media keep citizens uninformed and misinformed with propaganda that fosters power and control by a wealthy few in control of “authority” in Lake County.

The control infiltrates like the sleaze of corporatism nationally, where every governing sphere is tainted by a controlled element of wealth.

Such a longstanding tradition of power appears acceptable, smooth as plaster, natural as lake water to those in control and for those uninformed or misinformed alike, until cracks appear and contamination becomes more visible and unavoidable, like excess algae in lake water, in spite of propaganda to the contrary.

The plaster, cast as the influence of wealth, controls what newspapers print and what a Board of Supervisors decides. It shuts down a television station if the station threatens news not controlled. It has caused much damage to Lake County in the neglect of lake waters.

Maurice Taylor lives in Clearlake, Calif.

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