Sunday, 29 September 2024

Ridgel: Occupy Wall Street protesters' objectives, performance are contradictory

The actions of the brave souls in the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) group in New York parks are somewhat contradictory when their stated objectives are compared to their performance.

Those who were coherent enough to state their purpose announced that they wanted the government to take the wealth from capitalist fat cats and spread it around.

In that endeavor they have a strong ally in the White House; that’s what President Obama declared to “Joe the plumber” should be done. Furthermore, with his “stimulus” and “jobs,” he’s earnestly tried that.

What’s more, there is historical precedence that it can be successful: With the Soviet revolution in 1917, the capitalist fat cats disappeared into exile right on schedule. They were replaced with government fat cats. The remainder of the population lived in misery for 70 years but, by golly, they did get rid of those capitalist fat cats.

What surprises me is OWS missing an opportunity to support not only their president, but another kindred spirit, Al Gore, who has been trying to bring down global warming capitalists for years.

According to Al, manmade global warming is settled science needing no further discussion. Therefore the record October snow storm in the East didn’t happen; it’s a figment of the imagination of deniers.

Since the OWS campers are faithful believers, I don’t see why they accepted arctic tents and expensive thermal gear to protect them from a frigid snowstorm in October, one that just couldn’t happen if Gore is right.

However, it is reasonable that they accepted such gear from fat cats, obviously capitalists. That was spreading the wealth. In addition, other fat cats provided gourmet food from nearby restaurants – the kind of food, normally, only fat cats eat.

All was well until the local homeless people, being of sound body, if not mind, abandoned their sidewalk cardboard boxes and newspaper blankets, and moved in to share the wealth that the OWS had accumulated from capitalist fat cats. OWS went ape. That was too much; capitalist fat cats sharing fat cat wealth with OWS folks was one thing, but OWS sharing wealth with homeless bums was another.

After all, it was their wealth; they earned it by demonstrating in the park, and they saw no reason to share it with those who didn’t earn it. I understand that part; I’m just surprised that they do.

Sadly, however, they missed their chance to live frugally and spread their own wealth, just as the Obamas and the Gores do to demonstrate their beliefs.

Randy Ridgel lives in Kelseyville, Calif.

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