Sunday, 29 September 2024

Gebhard: In defense of 'Occupy' movement

The demonstrations are not just civil disobedience for the sake of anarchy, but the voices of people tired of being “second class citizens.”

We do not mind paying taxes, we do not mind living small while the fat cats live large; but to pay more taxes while our schools lack funding, to pay a higher tax rate than billionaires, while we cannot afford to send our kids to college, is outrageous.

To continue on this path, we are establishing a permanent aristocracy in this country. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have pledged half their fortune to philanthropy, but that does not excuse the class war the rich are waging against us.

Why should corporations be able to write off all or most of their taxes, while earning record profits? Why are we letting the rich dictate the tax code?

Oh, they are paying for our legislator’s campaign funds. We allowed the Republicans to stack the Supreme Court with conservatives, now there are no limits on campaign contributions.

We are following in the footsteps of the Roman Empire, we are rotting from within. Greed has our upper class squeezing the middle class into the lower class, by laying the cost of our government on them.

One cannot juice a turnip, or tax the lower class, so the only class left is the middle class, but soon there will no longer be any and we will be like Europe used to be, or as Marie Antoinette said, “Let them eat cake.”

We know what happened after that, people get tired of the inequity, and the lack of opportunity for their children. No hope means desperation sets in and anything can happen. People will feed their families, clothe and house them as well.

Class mobility requires education, and we are pricing the middle class out of the university system. As we starve our kindergarten through grade 12, ensure that equal opportunity is a “will o wisp.”

When you think on the tent cities, think of them as representing those of us who sit and watch, while our socioeconomic status drops.

Our standard of living drops. Our children’s future drops. Our expectations are dropping unless our legislature wakes up and becomes our representatives again. Servant of the people used to mean something good.

Dave Gebhard lives in Lakeport, Calif.

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