Sunday, 29 September 2024

Gura: Invitation to discuss local education

Every Saturday at 5 p.m., I do a one hour radio show on KPFZ. My shows concentrate on local politics and I often invite a guest. I open the phone lines so listeners can get in on the discussion.

During the last couple of shows, I have received anonymous, off-topic phone calls just as my show was ending. On both occasions the caller blurted out something derogatory and untrue about the Konocti Unified School District, the organization on whose board I have served for some 17 years.

This tactic: making an anonymous off-topic and libelous statement when there is no opportunity for a reply, is strangely similar to something that readers of Lake County News have come to experience.

There are several anonymous LCN bloggers (one in particular), notorious for writing defamatory comments about others, usually having little to do with the topic at hand. I am relatively certain that the hit-and-run phone caller and a particular abuser of the LCN blogs are one in the same, although his identity is not particularly important.

I do not shy away from discussions about the Konocti Unified School District or any other topic and in fact I welcome input from the public no matter how critical it may be of me and no matter how much I may disagree with the point of view expressed.

In that spirit, on this coming Saturday, May 29, on “The Law Show” I will host an open-ended discussion about public education in general and the Konocti Unified School District in particular.

I invite everyone listening, including the drive-by phone caller, to phone in with comments and questions.

I welcome a meaningful dialog about this topic and look forward to hearing suggestions about how to make public education better.

My guess is that name calling and running away is all I will get from the anonymous caller/blogger. But I am hoping he will step up and get involved in a more positive way.

KPFZ broadcasts “The Law Show” at 88.1 FM on Saturdays at 5 p.m. Phone in at 707-263-3435.

Herb Gura lives in Clearlake Oaks, Calif.

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