Sunday, 29 September 2024

Spillman: The ideological cross section of America

I was disappointed this past week with the posts of many readers who responded to the alleged rape in Hidden Valley Lake.

The comment thread should have been about rape or teen abuse, but instead it broke down into free speech, racism and worse.

The extreme Left and Right – you scream the loudest and pull EVERY issue, as fast as possible, to your

far side.

The majority of people around you are Moderates (leaning conservatively) and they have the perspective and intelligence to swing where the pendulum needs to go.

If you look at the “Gallup Poll” for the last 18 years, both “very conservative” and “very liberal”

COMBINED make up less than 15 percent of the American population.

I am a conservative moderate and I feel I’m part of a very large majority, of reasonable people, in this country. Maybe it’s time we screamed!

It’s most definitely time to look hard at the two broken main parties that these small but extreme ends of America ride politically.

Who out there feels that both main parties spend the vast majority of their time, energy and resources on making the other party look bad – instead of just doing the job they were elected to do?

I vote, but have not cast a vote for a Republican or a Democrat in many years.

How’s that working for you, Marc? I’m going to stick to it. I have left positions blank. I am mainstream America and I will not vote for the lesser of two evils. How easy that saying rolls off of most people’s tongues.

How about a choice on the ballot for “none of the above” – if it gets the majority – all parties go back to rethink the candidates they’re putting forward.

Can’t do that – what if the position goes unfilled? We might, without the partisan fighting, find most political positions are really only part-time spots.

So bring it on, you 14 percent very Left and very Right combined, I can take you. My ideological

group is bigger and our vision is better.

My hope is that someday the moderates find both a voice and a vehicle and quit just bouncing between the two lost and polarized parties.

Marc Chalon Spillman lives in Lakeport, Calif.

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