Sunday, 29 September 2024

Strasser: Asking Obama to step down

I accuse President Obama of being, at least in part, responsible for the deaths of an estimated 300 Egyptians who were killed while peacefully asking their government for a “redress of grievances. But first, I want to clear up some confusion about where Obama stands on the political spectrum.


Some folks accuse Obama of being a “leftist” or a “socialist.” However, if you go to YouTube and listen to the 1956 Inaugural Address of Republican President Dwight David Eisenhower, you will find that President Obama is to the right of Ike. In fact, Eisenhower warned of the danger of “The Military Industrial Complex.” Obama is the Military Industrial Complex. In the current “resource” wars that we are fighting, Obama is sending our boys to die to secure the oil supply for the ever thirsty energy sector of our economy.


Now, back to Egypt: There is no doubt that we prefer democracy in Egypt, but where democracy conflicts with stability, stability trumps principle every time. Obama knows that Mubarak must go, but he also knows, that when you begin change, you never know how things are going to end up. And, we don’t want an Egypt with a power structure that won’t be amenable to our interests. So, Obama calls for restraint, but acquiesces to brutal repression.


Obama could have stopped the needless deaths because, “he who pays the piper, calls the tune.” We have two billion reasons to pressure them to show restraint. And, in addition, the United States is very close with the Egyptian military. The argument could be made that our power is limited in Egypt and that we could only influence the Egyptian Government. However, when the United States has wanted regime change in the past, even when the regime was democratically elected, such as in Chile, Guatemala, and Iran, we had no qualms about exercising our power to achieve that goal.


When Obama offered us change, I guess he meant that if we elected him, we would have a president with black skin instead of white skin, because aside from that, I don’t see much difference. He directs an empire of endless war. His first chief of staff came from the financial sector, and his current one as well. He has rescued the rich and let the poor and much of the middle class flounder in an economic morass not of their making.


Yes, I accuse you Mr. President. I ask you to step down. Realistically, however, I must admit that you have one thing going for you: The American people are docile sheep compared to the Egyptians.


Nelson Strasser lives in Kelseyville, Calif.

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