Saturday, 28 September 2024

Christopher: Follow the Money

Follow the money: That is the sage advice a dear friend I greatly admired told me about a week ago. It will show you why the surge, and the War in Iraq, will fail. It has to and has been set up to.
With one kid active duty and one in reserves, who would want to believe that let alone hear it? That can't be right, President Bush would not sell out our county. Sorry but if you sell out our young men and women in the service you are selling out the country. He's the president for crying out loud, not a traitor.
You'd think that. You'd be wrong. Listening to CSPAN on Monday and Tuesday was fascinating in the same way as watching a train wreck. There were some very good, pointed questions posed by people that look like they belong in DC. There were some questions posed to look like questions that merely turned into affirmations that this group of folks should just leave DC and go to work for their respective political parties, public relations/obfuscation bureau. Gen. Petraeus' answer to Sen. Warner's (R-VA) if we were safer question was the last straw. We're not. So why aren't we? Oh yeah, follow the money.
No, don't follow the $9 billion in shrink wrapped plastic on a pallet. Follow the oil money. Get acquainted with Mr. Ray L. Hunt, president of Hunt Oil Company of Dallas Texas. His resume lists many things besides being a very large contributor to George W. Bush, supporting him in all the election endeavors. He is also on the Board of Directors of Halliburton. You know Halliburton, that was the company that Vice President Dick Cheney operated while they did massive amounts of work for Iran, one of the countries that is part of the Axis of Evil. Even when it was illegal to do business with them, Halliburton did; even after Iran was declared Axis of Evil material they continued to sign contracts. Just like the ones Cheney signed with embargoed Iraq after the "first Gulf War.” Smells like treason to me, Mr. Vice President.
But back to Mr. Hunt's resume – he is also trustee on the board of the Southern Methodist University and he graciously donated $35 million to the future George W. Bush Presidential Library located at Southern Methodist University. Now that kind of loyalty cannot go unrewarded but a Medal of Freedom wasn't what Mr. Hunt wanted. He wanted a seat on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, a very important oversight body that has access to much classified information.
This made Mr. Hunt an insider so he decided to do a little insider trading. Not on the New York Stock Exchange, but with the government of the Kurdish Province. Having inside info Mr. Hunt knew the oil profit dispersal agreement betweens Kurds, Sunni and Shi'a factions was tenuous at best, so he decided to cut a deal with the Kurds. The Kurds, with deal in hand, no longer had a reason to sit at the table to negotiate. Mr. Hunt put his money on the premise that all these 'hanging by a thread” agreements would fall apart and he took the incentive to make sure the Iraqi Alliances fractured and failed. They did.

If this isn't giving aid and comfort to the enemy – treason – I don't know what is. It is hard to argue with Al Qaeda, Sunni or Shi'a extremists and average Iraqi citizens when they say this war was to steal Iraq's oil when that turns out to be the end product.
President George W. Bush has facilitated this betrayal of our troops (aiding and comforting the enemy) by his appointment of Mr. Hunt to a board (which has access to highly sensitive information) to which he was not qualified to be a member. This is merely a repetition of the status quo of this presidency, toadies need only apply – qualified applicants need not bother. True patriots need not apply. If you didn't pay, you don't get to play.

That's right folks, play. They play with our children's lives. They play with the Constitution. The Geneva Convention made a great soccer ball. Hey, let's blow up the Middle East, that should be great fun.
To hell with impeachment. Bush, Cheney and Hunt should be tried for treason.

Donna Christopher lives in Lucerne.


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