Sunday, 29 September 2024

Fulton: Praise for Lakeport town hall

On Wednesday, Dec. 1, the first in a series of town hall meetings was held at Lakeport City Hall. The purpose of the meetings is to introduce residents and business owners in Lakeport to the workings of city government.

This first meeting was hosted by the Lakeport Police Department with Sgt. Jason Ferguson leading the first half of the presentation.

Sgt. Ferguson introduced, via, the officers who serve the community. I did not take time during the meeting to add up all the years of experience of these officers, but it is very impressive. Those years are comprised of many with the city of Lakeport and other agencies.

The second half of this very interesting meeting was a presentation by Officer Stephanie Green, the school resource officer.

Officer Green is on campus for all three schools in Lakeport and has developed a very good rapport with many of the students.

It was amazing to hear the many things she is involved in on a day-to-day basis. Parents of children in these schools can count themselves very fortunate that this school/law enforcement partnership exists.

Unfortunately, some children do not have healthy and supportive home environments for a variety of reasons. Officer Green and the school faculty may be the only “helping hand” and “friendly ear” for some of these children.

If more residents and business owners in Lakeport had been able to attend, they would have learned of access via the Web site on crime that occurs in Lakeport – not just that a crime has occurred, but what kind of crime and the address where it took place. The city will soon be publishing a quarterly newsletter.

Due to questions from those of us in the audience, the planned hour long meeting extended to 90 minutes, well worth the time!

The next town hall meeting will be in February at City Hall, date to be announced soon. You can check the Lake County Chamber Web site at or for the date in a couple of weeks.

In February, Lakeport Police Det. Lou Riccardi will be speaking about the Barbara LaForge murder case.

Melissa Fulton is chief executive officer of the Lake County Chamber of Commerce. She lives in Lakeport, Calif.

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