Sunday, 29 September 2024

Galvan: Praise for Anderson's plan for District Attorney's Office

As a single mom of an 11 year old son, I’ve never had the time, or quite frankly the desire, to pay much attention to politics. I’ve always felt I was too young (yes, perhaps I’m in denial about my age) to care about politics and didn’t truly believe that my one vote would ever make a difference. But this local election has really changed my mind about both.

I’ve realized you are never too young to care about politics, and the older my son gets, the more I’ve started paying attention to the political world around me, and the more conservative my position has become on many issues.

For instance, before I was a mother, I did not believe in the death penalty. I did not believe that any one person, or group of people, should have the right to judge and play God with anyone else’s life. It was my belief that the Lord would decide when our time on Earth was done, and only then would we face Him for final judgment.

Of course, I also used to tell myself the news was actually fiction, because I didn’t want to believe there was so much evil in the world. However, now that I’m a parent, not only am I more realistic, I am a strong proponent of the death penalty. If somebody were to deliberately take the life of my child, that person should be put to death.

I’ve also recognized that every vote really does make a difference, especially this year in Lake County.

We have two major races happening this year, a double whammy – the race for sheriff and the race for district attorney.

This has resulted in mud being flung from one end of the lake to the other. And not just flung at the candidates, but also at their friends, families and supporters. Feelings have been hurt, relationships have been shaken and friendships have been lost.

A friend stated it best – she called it “a perfect storm.”

I have talked to hundreds of people about this election, and the only consensus is it’s time for change.

Alas, I haven’t had any luck finding two people to agree on who or what that change should be. We are definitely a community divided, and it is my feeling these two races will be won and lost by just a handful of votes.

People are tired of hearing why an opponent isn’t qualified or fit for the position he is running for; instead they really want to hear why a candidate is the best candidate.

My vote for sheriff will remain between me and my ballot, but I’d like to share a few of the many reasons I’m supporting Don Anderson for district attorney.

Unlike his opponent, Don has a very versatile background in law – criminal, civil, family, etc. Don is also credentialed to teach law and administration of justice in California colleges. Don’s opponent does not share that same versatility, nor does he have a teaching credential.

Knowledge and understanding of criminal law is an important element of the district attorney’s role and, undoubtedly, Don Anderson possesses that.

What sets Don apart from his opponent is his experience on the other side of the fence. For every crime, there is a victim. Everything I’ve learned and come to know about Don Anderson demonstrates to me that he has been an advocate for victims for his entire adult life.

Like countless others in our community, my family has been, and continues to be, victimized and yet we receive little support and no compassion from the District Attorney’s Office. It’s already inconvenient and time consuming to get from south county to Lakeport, but to then be blown off by the agency that is supposed to have your back is extremely disheartening.

Don Anderson is the only candidate with a solid plan to better serve south Lake County residents; he has promised to open an office in the Clearlake area.

Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to talk about the crime that has been committed against you. Imagine the relief of a victim or witness living in south county, once they have mustered the courage to finally talk to someone at the District Attorney's Office, to have that open door in their own neighborhood.

Don’s opponent has offered his own solution to the residents of south county – a telephone. I could continue to use the telephone at times when I can't make it to the Lakeport office but, this has not proven helpful. And many I've talked to – and myself included – are tired of the run around and/or not receiving a call back.

The Lake County District Attorney’s Office needs Don Anderson to bring that compassion, knowledge, understanding and confidence back to the department.

Whether voting by mail or at the polls on Nov. 2, please cast your vote for Don Anderson for Lake County district attorney.

Jody Galvan lives in Middletown, Calif.

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